Jan 24, 2013

Birthday Blessings

A birthday is like a cat -- you wake up one morning
and it's right there in your face!

Today is my birthday!  I had decided last week to take a vacation day from work.  I didn't have any plans, I just didn't want to work on my birthday.  So I spent most of the day alone.  I know I said in my post, I'm Going on an Adventure,  that I am lonely, but that loneliness is for a companion to share my life with.  There is such a vast difference between being lonely and being alone.  I have never minded being alone.  I am comfortable with solitude.  Today was a wonderful day of quiet and solitude.

Both of my sisters had birthday wishes for me on Facebook. I so appreciate that even though the three of us are hundreds of miles apart, we can keep in touch daily via social media.

Cheryl (who is only 18 months younger than me but keeps referring to me as her older sister -- okay, okay, I am older than her but it's just mere months!) had posted a baby picture of me (wasn't I just an adorable baby?) and the two of us together (what in the world is up with those hats?)


My little sister, Georgi shared this great Sean Bean meme from the Lord of the Rings as homage to my many viewings of "The Hobbit" (she's seen it a few times herself):

Later in the day a package arrived from Georgi which contained three boxes of Hobbit Tea.  I absolutely love what is written on the back of the Bilbo Baggins Breakfast Blend:

Served to Thorin and Company -- love it!

I am so thankful for both of my sisters 
(and love that we all share a passion for Middle-earth).

My parents called and sang happy birthday to me.  I shed a few tears as I miss them so much. We are very, very close.  I asked them to call back and sing it to my voice mail so I could have the recording, but my father thought it rather silly.  What can I say?  I am just a sentimental fool!

My fellow managers at work called and sang, but I am not going to share it as I need to protect the innocent.

One of my staff, Tom, who I've worked with for almost 14 years and who is very dear to me, left this message which had me in stitches:

(This will play in Chrome, because it utilizes html 5. I am not certain about other browsers).

Much to my delight I was able to choose the picture of the day at RichardArmitageNet.  Of course, I chose one from the Vicar of Dibley:

A coworker invited me to dinner and a movie. We braved the 7 degrees below zero weather.  We had a great meal and I tried a new wine.  Both were fantastic!  Much to my chagrin I couldn't talk her into seeing "The Hobbit" (what is wrong with some people?!) We saw "Zero Dark Thirty" which I will review in a later post.

I ended the day by thanking each of my friends on Facebook who took the time to wish me a happy birthday -- friends from grade school, high school, college, to present day.

It has been a great day. 
I am truly blessed!

Jan 21, 2013

Moving Monday

“ If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. 
If you can't walk, crawl. 
But by all means, keep moving.”

 Martin Luther King, Jr.

On the drive into work this morning the following song played on the radio:

It has been a favorite of mine since MercyMe released it a couple of years ago.  It just seemed perfect for a Monday (well, it's perfect for anytime).  I arrived at work, opened my email, and the Martin Luther King, Jr. quote above was waiting for me.

I'm not about to give up
Because I heard you say
There's gonna be brighter days
There's gonna be brighter days
I won't stop, I'll keep my head up
No, I'm not here to stay
There's gonna be brighter days
There's gonna be brighter days

I just might bend but I won't break
As long as I can see your face

When life won't play along
And right keeps going wrong
And I can't seem to find my way
I know where I am found
So I won't let it drag me down
Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway

I'm gonna move (move)
I'm gonna move (move)
I'm gonna move

I've got to hold it steady
Keep my head in the game
Everything is about to change
Everything is about to change

This hurt is getting heavy
But I'm not about to cave
Everything's about to change
There's gonna be brighter days

I just might bend but won't break
As long as I can see your face

When life won't play along
And right keeps going wrong
And I can't seem to find my way
I know where I am found
So I won't let it drag me down
Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway

I'm gonna move (move)
I'm gonna move (move)
I'm gonna move

No matter what may come
Gotta move to a different drum
No matter what life brings
Gotta move gotta move to a different beat

I just might bend but won't break
As long as I can see your face

No matter what may come
Gotta move to a different drum
No matter what life brings
Gotta move gotta move to a different beat

Happy Monday
Keep Moving!

Jan 20, 2013

Saturday Surprises

My grandsons had been begging me to take them to see "The Hobbit" again even though I had already taken them twice. Because I'm a bit of a pushover (ahem) when it comes to them, off we went late yesterday afternoon to see it; they're first viewing in 3D.

What has amazed me each time they are watching it, is how utterly still these very active boys are for almost 3 hours!  I have taken them to many movies and no matter how interested they are, there is always fidgeting, asking me questions, etc., but not so during this movie.  Even in their third viewing, they were totally engrossed, not saying a word, and hardly moving (except to reach for the popcorn).  This is such a testament to the power of Tolkien's story and the magic of Peter Jackson's movie making.

After the movie, a couple who had been sitting behind us commented to me how well behaved my "sons" were during the entire movie.  I thanked them and said they are actually my grandsons.  To my utter delight, they expressed surprise.  (I must admit, this happens quite a bit when I am out and about with them, but it was even sweeter this time because I have that annual birthday thing happening this week).

On the drive home, I asked them who their favorite character is and their favorite scene:

Devon (10):  Thorin  Scene: running down the tree towards Azog
Dylan (9):     Thorin  Scene: cutting off Azog's arm AND Smaug's eye opening
Logyn (6):    Thorin  Scene: hugging Bilbo at the end

And then we sang "Misty Mountains" the rest of the way home.

Even though it was already past their bedtime when we arrived at my apartment, I had promised them that we would at least start watching "The Fellowship of the Ring."  Again, utter quiet and stillness while watching.  We made it all the way to the mines of Moria, at which point I insisted we stop for the night. It would still be another hour before sleep finally came, as they had question after question.  We finished watching it this morning and all three gave it a very enthusiastic thumbs up.

As I dropped them off at home this afternoon, they asked, "When are we going to see "The Hobbit" again?"

My genes are strong in these young lads.

Jan 19, 2013

Seared With Scars

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls.
The most massive characters are seared with scars.”

Hast thou no scar?
No hidden scar on foot, or side, or hand?
I hear thee sung as mighty in the land;
I hear them hail thy bright, ascendant star.
Hast thou no scar?

Hast thou no wound?
Yet I was wounded by the archers; spent,
Leaned Me against a tree to die; and rent
By ravening beasts that compassed Me, I swooned.
Hast thou no wound?

No wound? No scar?
Yet, as the Master shall the servant be,
And piercèd are the feet that follow Me.
But thine are whole; can he have followed far
Who hast no wound or scar?
                                                                                                         -- Amy Carmichael

Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, 
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us
looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, 
who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross..." 
 Hebrews 12:1-2

Jan 15, 2013

Worn, Given Away, Shared

As I was writing "I'm Going on an Adventure" I had confided in a friend that I was hesitant about sharing such a personal story.  She replied, "Remember you're writing for yourself, first of all. Letting go of your thoughts and having no attachments to them once they're set free, can be healing."   She was absolutely right.

And guess what?  I'm going to share more about "The Hobbit."  Are you surprised?

Today's Joy Dare gratitude prompt:  a gift worn, given away, and shared (gifts 23,24,25).  After I took my 3 grandsons to see "The Hobbit" when we got back to my apartment, Devon, the eldest, asked if I had the book.  I said, "What do you think?" and he grinned.  I pulled off the shelf not only "The Hobbit" but also the "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. They are yellowed with age and worn from so many readings.  I was thankful that I was able to share them with him but when I told him he could have them, the smile on his face, the excitement in his eyes -- that was a gift from him to me.

Has it only been a month since I first saw this movie?  I have viewed so many videos, read so many interviews, and still I don't tire of learning about how it was made and the actors' impressions.

The following video was new to me today.  It is about 20 minutes long, so get yourself a cup of tea, get comfy, and enjoy.

I also found this video, a modern trailer for "The Hobbit", starring, of course, Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, and Richard Armitage, looking a bit more "normal" than they do in the movie.  I am always amazed at how creative some people are.  I enjoyed it immensely and think you will too.

If you're not tired of watching Hobbit videos, check out the production videos from director, Peter Jackson. They are fascinating!

Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, 
but that is not what I have found. 
I found it is the small everyday deeds of 
ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay... 
small acts of kindness and love.

Happiness is...

Jan 12, 2013

I'm Going on an Adventure!

If you have been reading this blog, you know that "The Hobbit" has had a great impact on me. I've not really shared what the most important epiphany has been, until now.

I have become very hobbit-like.  I like my cozy apartment with my cats, books, computer, etc. My life has become very routine, most would say mundane. I'm not used to going on adventures, at least not in the past decade and a half.

When Gandalf says to Bilbo at the beginning of the movie:  "Your life is not in your books and maps, it's out there," he might as well have been speaking to me. 

So I have challenged myself to not shy away or be fearful of new things, of changes, of adventures.

The second part of the epiphany is a bit more difficult to share.  Fifteen years ago I went through the devastation of betrayal and the end of my marriage. I naturally withdrew to take time to heal.  But I also closed off that part of me.  I simply had no desire to even think about being in a relationship ever gain.  

That is until I saw "The Hobbit."

I was so taken with Richard Armitage's acting that I went home after seeing the movie and looked up to see what other work he had done on IMDB (Internet Movie Database -- don't know what I ever did before they created that genius of a website, but I digress).  Much to my delight, several of his works were available via Amazon Prime. So, at 11 pm that night I started to watch "The Vicar of Dibley: A Holy Wholly Happy Ending" in which Richard was a guest star as Harry Kennedy.

While I was watching him, my wall crumbled.  He plays such a sweet, wonderful man and he does it so superbly well.  By the end I was sobbing, because for the first time in years, I admitted to myself: I am lonely and want to be loved again.

Thank you Richard, from the bottom of my heart, for playing Harry.

(Maybe my last post where I said I am thankful for him, makes a bit more sense now).

Is there someone like Harry out there for me?  
Only the Lord knows, but at least now, I am open.