Mar 9, 2013

What is FanstRAvaganza?

Since 2010, FanstRAvaganza has been an annual event in March, in which fans of British actor Richard Armitage come together and blog about him and his works – or how he has inspired them to be creative.

This year I have decided to join in. So far there are 29 other bloggers participating, making me the 30th.  Obviously this is my first year as I never knew who he was until last December after seeing him in "The Hobbit."  Yes, that movie I've seen more than a few times and can't seem to stop talking about.

So look for a few posts next week to be about Richard 
and how he has impacted my life.

"Unless you have to struggle for something, then it isn't worth having."
Richard Armitage

The Hobbit Countdown Continues

Mar 5, 2013

Twitter I Just Don't Get

In the following interview Richard Armitage makes the comment, "Twitter, I just don't get."

Much to my surprise, it was announced this afternoon by The Hobbit Movie, that tomorrow he will be answering questions on Twitter. What a pleasant surprise!

I would like to suggest to Richard some of the benefits of Twitter (shamelessly taken from a great post by Michael Hyatt):

  1. It will enable you to experience social networking first-hand.
  2. It will make you a better writer.
  3. It will help you stay connected to people you care about.
  4. It will help you to see a new side of your friends.
  5. It will introduce you to new friends.
  6. It is faster than text-messaging.
  7. It will make you think about your life.
  8. It will help you keep up with what people are talking about.
  9. It is fun!  Twitter is just plain entertaining.
I joined Twitter in April of 2008 -- almost 5 years ago, and I have found all of the above to be true. I have learned much and made some fantastic friends.  

Maybe, just maybe, Richard will enjoy the experience enough to come and join in the fun with his own account.  But, I'm not holding my breath, because "twitter, I just don't get." He's in good company, my sisters don't get it either.

Joy Dare: continuing to count 1000 gifts
gifts 91-104

Just a few of the people whom I would never have known existed if it weren't for Twitter.  
I am much richer for having been given the gift of their presence in my life:

“LinkedIn is for the people you know. 
Facebook is for the people you used to know. 
Twitter is for people you want to know”

Feb 27, 2013

Counting My Way

I have been struggling to post the three things I am thankful for each day. I have so many blessings for which to be thankful! So what's my problem? I just can't seem to wrap my mind around Ann's prompts.  I finally decided today that I am definitely going to continue counting toward 1000 gifts this year.  I'm just going to do it my own way. I have discovered that I am excited and looking forward to what I can be thankful for each day instead of trying to fit my gratitude into a specific mold.  I am certain that this is what was intended in the first place.

Joy Dare: continuing to count 1000 gifts

87.  On Saturday I participated in a 6 hour crash course webinar by Preston Yancey and Elora Nicole of "The Story Unfolding: Helping you find the rhythm of story at the intersection of faith and art". I was challenged beyond words by what I learned and am continuing to learn from those few hours.

88.  For several years I have used Charles Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening" as part of my daily quiet time. I have not used it so far this year, but on Sunday I felt led to pick it up again.  The following quote literally brought me to me knees:
"You may fear that the Lord has passed you by, but it is not so: he who counts the stars, and calls them by their names, is in no danger of forgetting his own children. He knows your case as thoroughly as if you were the only creature he ever made, or the only saint he ever loved. Approach him and be at peace."

89.  New friends I am getting to know on Twitter who bless me by sharing nuggets of truth:
"I shall be supplied with whatever I need; and, if I have not everything I desire, I may conclude it is either not fit for me, or I shall have it in due time.” ~ Matthew Henry

90.  Enjoying dinner and "that" movie with a friend tonight.

Be true to yourself, help others, 
make each day your masterpiece, 
make friendship a fine art, 
drink deeply from good books - especially the Bible, 
build a shelter against a rainy day, 
give thanks for your blessings and 
pray for guidance every day.

Feb 19, 2013

Plan B

3 Gifts that were Plan B's
Joy Dare: continuing to count 1000 gifts
Gifts 84, 85, and 86

Moving to Maine
My current job

"Plan A is always my first choice.
You know, the one where
Everything works out to be
Happily ever-after.
But more often than not,
I find myself dealing with
The upside-down, inside-out version --
Where nothing goes as it should.
It's at this point that the real
Test of my character comes in..
Do I sink, or do I swim?
Do I wallow in self pity and play the victim,
Or simply shift gears
And make the best of the situation?
The choice is all mine...
Life is all about how you handle Plan B.”

― Suzy Toronto, The Sacred Sisterhood Of Wonderful Wacky Women

Feb 18, 2013

Gifts of Music and Paper

If you've been reading this blog you know that I have seen "The Hobbit" quite a few times. One of the trailers shown was for the movie "Man of Steel." At one point in the trailer there was such familiar music being played that after so many times listening to it, I just had to find out what it was. I resorted to using the app SoundHound on my phone. If you're not familiar with this app (and there are several others like it), you open the app and turn your phone towards the music being played that you want need  to know the name of and it more times than not, finds not only the song but also the performer and album it is on.  I have used it several time mostly in the car while listening to the radio.  (Mama and Daddy, if you're reading this, I never try to find a song while I'm driving).  I must admit I did feel a bit silly sitting in a darkened theater holding my phone up toward the screen, but it worked!

Much to my surprise it was a song from "Elizabeth: The Golden Age", but that's why it was familiar, as I really enjoyed that movie, and, ahem, have seen it a couple of times. (Really, I only have seen it twice). I was surprised because I didn't think they would "reuse" music from one movie to another. It is quite dramatic but then it was quite a dramatic scene in the movie.

While I'm on the subject of music in movies, my absolute favorite song from "The Hobbit" is "Misty Mountains."  My favorite instrumental from the movie is "Over Hill" as it combines both music from "The Lord of the Rings" (the sweet hobbit music) and "The Hobbit" (the majestic dwarves music). At 3:04 minutes it makes my heart swell and brings tears to my eyes, no matter how many times I hear it.

The incomparable gift of music...

3 Gifts on Paper
Joy Dare: continuing to count 1000 gifts

81.  All the printed music I've collected since learning to play the piano when I was seven years old.
82.  My daughter's hand prints on paper in a frame as a gift she made for me when she was just four years old.
83.  My ink footprint in my baby book.

Feb 16, 2013

Gifts in Shadows

3 Gifts in Shadows
Joy Dare: continuing to count 1000 Gifts

78. Walking at dusk
79. Knowing that things hidden in shadows will be revealed at the appropriate time 
80. This hymn from my childhood:
He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock 
That shadows a dry, thirsty land;
He hideth my life in the depths of His love,
And covers me there with His hand.

A Gift in Losing, Finding, 
and Making Something
February 15
Gifts 75, 76, and 77

Losing:     fear
Finding:  hope
Making:  plans

3 Ways I Feel the Love of God
February 14

72. My parents have displayed God's unconditional love for me more times than I can count.
73. Reading His Word.
74. My sisters.