Jan 31, 2013

One Does Not Simply...

I have quite enjoyed the different memes that have been made of Boromir's "one does not simply" statement in Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.  This is the first I've seen where it is used as almost stated in the movie.  It is too bad they had to use the contraction of does not.  I have no idea who created it.  If I did, I would give them credit.  Obviously in the second picture, Richard is not in character as Thorin, but to find a picture using almost the exact gesture is priceless.

Sean Bean, Richard Armitage, Hugo Weaving

I came across a great review of "The Hobbit" today, Why Did 'The Hobbit' Become the Most (Unjustly?) Ignored Movie of Awards Season? written by Jose Solís Mayén. The following is just part of the review:
"I forgot to look at my watch. Forgot there was a world outside of Jackson’s conception of Middle Earth and when the movie arrived to its conclusion—the first of two cliffhangers—all I knew is I wanted more.
If The Lord of the Rings was the epic, then The Hobbit was always the haunting lullaby and Jackson captures this. There are scenes in the film that feel familiar because they are narrated with the spirit of ancient oral tradition. Where the first intended to thrill us, this one is aiming for our love. It wants us to show it to our children.

From the score, to the cinematography, it seems as if the movie wishes to imagine images we imagined growing up. The whole mood of the film is one where you can see a child asking “and what happened next?” with a glow in his or her eyes. There is an undeniable feeling of familiarity but never one of tedium. Now, more than ever, I wonder why did the movie go by without people showering it with more enthusiasm? Have we truly become so cynical that getting more of something good is something we can look down on? Has joylessness become part of being an adult? I went into this movie as a 26-year-old with a cold who was sure he was in for an awful time, I came out realizing my heart had grown three sizes that day."

Three of my 1000 Gifts, today's Joy Dare:

29.  A gift on paper:  a letter from my father

30.  A gift in a person:  my daughter Katie

31.  A gift in a picture:  my cats, Johnny and Winnie

"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: 
music and cats."
Albert Schweitzer


  1. Ah, yes, I forgot about the world outside, too! In fact, there are times when I wish I could escape to Middle Earth. :-)

    1. Probably the very reason I've seen it so many times.

      “Bother burgling and everything to do with it! I wish I was at home in my nice hole by the fire with the kettle just beginning to sing!”

      But Middle-earth has all sorts of nasty things too...
