Apr 2, 2013

A is for...

As I've been struggling a bit to post regularly, when I read of the A-Z Blogging Challenge for April, I thought it would a fun exercise for me to try.  I am going to incorporate it into counting my one thousand gifts.

Joy Dare: continuing to count 1000 gifts
gift 105

One cannot live in Maine and not be thankful for Acadia National Park. Many, many people plan their vacations around it and I live only 40 miles from this wondrous place!

Acadia National Park

A bit of concern this year is that the park is going to open a month later (May 17) due to government mandated sequester cuts. While some services are reduced, Acadia is open and if you’re there to use the park, rather than simply see the park, these cuts won’t have too big an effect on your visit—you’ll be able to hike the trails and bike the Carriage Roads.

Now, if you’re a cyclist, these extra weeks of having parts of the Park Loop and the Cadillac Mountain road to yourself is a huge benefit. You won’t have to worry about drivers looking at sights rather than cyclists or feel threatened as a huge tour bus rumbles by too close for comfort.

Yes, there is an influx of tourists during the summer months which makes everything a bit crazy over there, but I try to visit several times. I've even ventured over in the fall by myself and sat at the very spot pictured above, journaling, taking in the breath-taking beauty, listening to what God can say to me that He can say no other place but out in His handiwork.

If you're in Maine this summer, you simply must visit Acadia!  (If you need more info, please feel free to email me.)

From the top of its granite mountains to its salty ocean shores, 
this national treasure on the craggy Atlantic seaboard 
showcases Maine’s natural riches.


  1. The part looks like just the right sort of place for a weekend getaway.

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  2. It is absolutely one of those magical places.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment!


  3. Hi Valerie, I like what I see and I think you have Acadia National Park looks wonderful and certainly an amazing gift from God. I also enjoyed looking through some of your other posts. Are you going to continue the A to Z challenge? I look forward to reading more of your posts. Until then, God bless, Maria from Delight Directed Living

    1. Hi Maria,

      Yes, I do plan to continue and will post today.

      Thank you for the reminder!


  4. Someday I want to make it to Acadia.

    Checking in to see if you plan to finish the Challenge. We have to keep the list clean from non-participant blogs in order to maintain the integrity of the Challenge. Let us know if you plan to finish and we won't remove your link from the list. Blogs that remain inactive for a week or more must be removed.

    Blogging from A to Z
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    1. Hi Lee,

      I just sent you an email. Yes, I do plan to continue. The past week has been difficult as a family member is near death.

      Thank you for the reminder.

