My niece Amy did not have Down Syndrome but Rett Syndrome. She could not talk verbally as these young people can. She spoke with her eyes, her smiles, and her laugh. She went home to be with the Lord about this time last year.
I hope the expectant mother received comfort and encouragement from their answers. I know my sister, Cheryl, would tell her that every moment of Amy's 31 years, the hard times and the jubilant ones, were worth it.
Cheryl has been sharing her journey since Amy's passing in her own blog, Amy's Story. She is still grieving the loss of her daughter, but her faith shines through each post.
We miss you Amy but know you are singing and dancing with Jesus and the angels.
My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, Amazing grace