Mar 21, 2014

EVERY Life is Important and Special

Today was World Down Syndrome Day.  This video was posted on Facebook yesterday and I made the mistake of watching it at work.  I had a very difficult time keeping my sobs quiet.

My niece Amy did not have Down Syndrome but Rett Syndrome. She could not talk verbally as these young people can. She spoke with her eyes, her smiles, and her laugh. She went home to be with the Lord about this time last year.

I hope the expectant mother received comfort and encouragement from their answers. I know my sister, Cheryl, would tell her that every moment of Amy's 31 years, the hard times and the jubilant ones, were worth it.

Cheryl has been sharing her journey since Amy's passing in her own blog, Amy's Story. She is still grieving the loss of her daughter, but her faith shines through each post.

We miss you Amy but know you are singing and dancing with Jesus and the angels.

My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, Amazing grace

Mar 20, 2014

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder?

As some of my readers may know, I got married at the end of December in Edinburgh, Scotland. What a special and precious time. My husband is English and we are hoping he will be able to join me soon so we can start our married life together.

Most of my non-working time (other than sleeping) has been spent with him on Skype and in the process I have neglected my blog. Probably no one even really noticed that I haven't been posting. So maybe absence doesn't make the heart grow fonder as far as this blog goes. As for being absent from my husband, it is definitely making my heart grow fonder -- and stronger.

I made a discovery recently:  QuizUp  It finally became available for Android! (A pet peeve of mine is that we Android users always have to wait for the apps to make it into our world, but I digress). QuizUp is heaven for trivia lovers! You are able to pick from a wide variety of topics and you play against people from all over the world. I have played with people from over 25 other countries thus far and I've only been doing this for a little over a week.

When do I find time to do this?  I usually play right before going to bed. As it's timed, this is probably not a great idea. The category I'm excelling in is History, but one is creeping up on it -- The Hobbit! I couldn't sleep last night and my insomnia was rewarded:

What do you do when you can't sleep?  Maybe you can join me in QuizUp and try to beat my scores!  See you there!

"Games! Oh, we loves games! Doesn't we, Precious? 
Does it like games? Does it, does it, does it like to play?"

Jan 31, 2014

The Best Way to Learn

“May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks.” 
― J.R.R. Tolkien, "The Hobbit"

Dec 13, 2013

Floofy Friday and Hobbit Day!!!

Floofy Friday with the boys...

I have been enjoying Meg's cats for several years.  She writes from their point of view and she makes me laugh right out loud and sometimes cry.  Her blog, Housecat Confidential was the first pet blog I had ever read. Up until then I didn't even know pet blogs existed!

When my older sister passed away in 1994 I adopted her Maine Coon, Cody, so I was immediately drawn to her Maine Coon, Fin.  When Fin crossed over the bridge a while back I sobbed like a baby.  Meg and her husband now have two adorable Maine Coons, Quill and Grayson, that keep me entertained.

Check it out:  Housecat Confidential  You'll soon feel like you're part of the family.  I know I am (even though they don't know I exist!).

Hobbit Day!!!

Today The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug hits theaters world-wide including Bangor.  I've had my ticket for over a week and I'm counting the hours until I can sit back and drink it all in.

My day started with one of those messy adventures that always make you late for supper, I mean, work.  It was 11 degrees F when I left for work. I stopped for my daily large, unsweetened iced tea and as I left the drive-thru I attempted to close the car window to no avail.  It was a rather chilly ride to the garage but they managed to get it back up. I just can't use it until the window motor is replaced.  Who knew the window had a motor?

But that's the thing about adventures...more often than not, they end up rather well.

Dec 10, 2013

Crispin's Eclipse: Of Lego, Belstaff and rogue locks of hair

With my wedding coming up in two weeks, I have not been able to follow (as much as I would like, i.e glued to the computer) all of the hoopla surrounding the new hobbit movie.  EEK -- it's this Friday!  And yes, I do have my ticket.

I was delighted when the newest post from Crispin's Eclipse graced my inbox this afternoon.  I so enjoyed reading Inge's take on take on all things Richard and The Hobbit.  I hope you enjoy reading it too:

Crispin's eclipse: Of Lego, Belstaff and rogue locks of hair:

There have been so very many new pictures and interviews and soundbites and livestreams and screencaps and other tidbits this week. I think ...

Nov 15, 2013

And the bells shall ring in gladness at the Mountain King's Return

We are now in the final countdown to "The Hobbit: the Desolation of Smaug" 

Less than thirty days!

The King beneath the mountains,
The King of carven stone, 
The lord of silver fountains 
Shall come into his own!

Nov 9, 2013

Amy's Story: Seven Months-Part Two

My sister continues sharing...

Amy's Story: Seven Months-Part Two: Yesterday I planned to just get through the day. I had a dentist appointment in the morning and so I thought I would journey out to do som...